2017 expectations VS. Reality: New Years Resoution

So we ALL known that today is the day to make your New Years resolutions and I'll bet there are a few things that you may see on the majority of them. Including:
 - get in shape
 - eat healthy
 - get better grades ( if your American- 4.0 average)
 - keep room clean (more clean?)
 - travel more and take artsy pictures for insta.
 - meet a cute boy

... If your anything like me you had a resoloution looking similar to this. Looking back on 2016 I definitely did not live up to my expectations!

 - eat as much junk as you can
 - causing you to be unhealthy
 - almost flunk your classes
 - not be able to see the floor in your bedroom
 - stay in bed and never leave your house
 - because you never left your house no boy knew you existed😂

Comment below if you have a New Years resoloution and what is on it! Also comment whether you mastered your 2016 resolution!  ( if you completed then I look up to you! )😃